Skin of Mine is a new iOS based service that helps people identify various skin conditions. Using an iPhone, iPad, or the iPod touch, you can take a photo of a mole, acne, or other abnormalities on the skin and have it reviewed by a dermatologist or nurse practitioner. Additionally, automated tools help you keep track of a mole between doctor visits, by quantifying its symmetry, border and color regularity. You can also compare your mole to those in the app’s database, as well as do a side-by-side progress review with photos taken at earlier times. Currently only patients in six states (New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Connecticut, Nebraska, and Louisiana) have access to medical professionals via the app, but the company is moving toward having nationwide coverage.
From the product page:
- MOLES Quantify the symmetry, border regularity, and color regularity of moles, as a way of automating your skin self-exam.
- PSORIASIS Measure the area of extent as well as the redness, scaliness, and thickness.
- VITILIGO Measure the area of extent.
- ACNE Measure your “acne index” in order to compare the severity of acne in today’s photo with an earlier or later one.
- WRINKLES Find your “wrinkle index.” This will allow you to compare today’s photo with an earlier or later one, for the purpose of quantifying the effect of an anti-aging regimen.
- EVENNESS Measure the evenness of your skin tone. This will allow you to compare today’s photo with an earlier or later one, for the purpose of measuring the effect of a cream or laser.
- MELASMA Measure the area of extent, darkness, and heterogeneity of hyperpigmented regions. This will allow you to compare today’s photo with an earlier or later one, for the purpose of measuring the effect of a treatment.
- REDNESS Quantify the redness of your skin, so that you can track it over time.
- LIP PLUMPNESS Measure the plumpness of your lips, for the purpose of comparing today’s photo to an earlier or later one. This will allow you to quantify the effect of a product or treatment.
- TEETH WHITENESS Measure the whiteness of your teeth.
- SPIDER VEINS Measure the severity of your spider veins. This will allow you to quantify the effect of a vein treatment.
A pele está constantemente exposta a agressões externas, como por exemplo o sol. O sol tem as suas vantagens, porém, em demasia poderá trazer muitas complicações para a pele. A aparição de sinais é habitual, no entanto, há que estar atento aos sinais que não são considerados “normais” (características diferentes, como o tamanho e cor). Estes devem ser constantemente vigiados por profissionais de saúde, pois se assim não for, poderão vir causar cancro da pele. É neste sentido que este dispositivo seria muito útil nas nossas vidas, pois traria inúmeras vantagens:
ResponderEliminar- Não ter de se deslocar ao um médico para poder observar o “sinal”
- Facilidade de utilização
- Evita a marcação de consultas
- Consulta imediata por um profissional de saúde
- Constante vigilância dos sinais
- Comodidade
Penso que este aparelho é muito interessante, não só pelo facto de possuir todas estas vantagens, mas sim porque poderia salvar muitas vidas.