«The brain presents a unique challenge for medical
treatment: it is locked away behind an impenetrable layer of tightly packed
cells. Although the blood-brain barrier prevents harmful chemicals and bacteria
from reaching our control center, it also blocks roughly 95 percent of medicine
delivered orally or intravenously. As a result, doctors who treat patients with
neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's, often have to inject drugs
directly into the brain, an invasive approach that requires drilling into the
Some scientists have had minor successes getting intravenous
drugs past the barrier with the help of ultrasound or in the form of
nanoparticles, but those methods can target only small areas. Now
neuroscientist Viviana Gradinaru and her colleagues at the California Institute
of Technology show that a harmless virus can pass through the barricade and
deliver treatment throughout the brain.
Gradinaru's team turned to viruses because the infective
agents are small and adept at entering cells and hijacking the DNA within. They
also have protein shells that can hold beneficial deliveries, such as drugs or
genetic therapies. To find a suitable virus to enter the brain, the researchers
engineered a strain of an adeno-associated virus into millions of variants with
slightly different shell structures. They then injected these variants into a
mouse and, after a week, recovered the strains that made it into the brain. A
virus named AAV-PHP.B most reliably crossed the barrier.
Next the team tested to see if AAV-PHP.B could work as a
potential vector for gene therapy, a technique that treats diseases by
introducing new genes into cells or by replacing or inactivating genes already
there. The scientists injected the virus into the bloodstream of a mouse. In
this case, the virus was carrying genes that encoded green fluorescent
proteins. So if the virus made it to the brain and the new DNA was incorporated
in neurons, the success rate could be tracked via a green glow on dissection.
Indeed, the researchers observed that the virus infiltrated most brain cells
and that the glowing effects lasted as long as one year. The results were
recently published in Nature Biotechnology.
In the future, this approach could be used to treat a range
of neurological diseases. “The ability to deliver genes to the brain without
invasive methods will be extremely useful as a research tool. It has tremendous
potential in the clinic as well,” says Anthony Zador, a neuroscientist who
studies brain wiring at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Gradinaru also thinks
the method is a good candidate for targeting areas other than the brain, such
as the peripheral nervous system. The sheer number of peripheral nerves has
made pain treatment for neuropathy difficult, and a virus could infiltrate them
Fonte: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/neuroscientists-discover-a-new-way-to-cross-the-blood-brain-barrier/
Comentário do Bloguista: O principal desafio
na terapêutica de doenças neurológicas passa pelo facto do cérebro ser
revestido por uma camada impenetrável, constituído por células altamente
empacotadas, denominada de barreira hematoencefálica. Esta torna difícil a
administração de fármacos via oral ou intravenosa com o objetivo de
atuarem neste órgão. Assim, usualmente, recorre-se à injeção de fármacos
diretamente no cérebro.
Recentemente, Viviana Gridinaru e os seus colegas demonstraram que a injeção de
um vírus inofensivo na corrente sanguínea é capaz de atravessar esta barreira.
Usando este vírus foram capazes de fazer entrega direcionada de fármacos, bem
como terapia génica, sem terem de fazer uma administração muito invasiva.
Com estes resultados promissores, acreditam que no futuro se utilize esta
técnica numa grande variedade de doenças neurológicas.
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